Lash Line Enhancement - Innovative Technique!

Lash Line Enhancement with


Is the author's modern semi-permanent method of nano-shading the lash line to enhance the beauty of the eyes!

It is NOT a traditional “eye liner”. In Lero Luxe we do lash enhancement which is much thinner and more subtle. It gives a pop to the eyes and makes lashes appear thicker.


Its a very thin tight line along the top of the lashes. Healed results are soft and subtle. 


Do you want to create the illusion of fuller and darker lashes?

  • Are you looking for a way to naturally enhance your lash line?

  • Do you want to wake up with beautifully defined eyes every morning?

This procedure is just made for you!

Unlike the traditional permanent liner on the eyelids, LASH LINE ENHANCEMENT is applied along the lash growth line. The most popular application technique is nano-shading, which allows you to achieve a more natural look.

  • Do not take aspirin or drink excessive alcohol at least 48 hours prior to and after your procedure.

    Do not take any prescription blood thinners at least 48 hours prior to and after your procedure.

    Do not Perm or Tint your lashes for up to 3 days before your lash enhancement procedure.

    Ensure lash extensions have been removed completely.

    Plan trips or events a minimum of 10 days after the procedure.

    Do not drink coffee in the morning of your appointment.

    If you have existing cosmetic tattooing you need to contact an artist BEFORE booking your appointment.

    DO NOT wear contact lenses during or within 48 hours following the eyeliner procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition.

  • Under 18


    Sunburn, psoriasis, severe acne

    Chemo patients

    Injections in the last couple of weeks


    Have used Accutane within the last year.


    Unregulated diabetes


    Prone to keloids or Hypertrophic scarring

    Skin disease or conditions

    Cardiovascular problems

    Currently on blood thinners


    Healing problems

    Treatments (Accutane, Retinal, Retin-A, etc)

    Undergoing chemotherapy or radiation/had cancer within the past 12 months, or recent surgeries.

    Having a cold, flu, viral/bacterial infection, etc. at the time of the appointment

    Autoimmune disorders (case by case basis)

    Laser treatment or Fillers/Botox in the past 30 Days.

  • Day of procedure - Day 2: Your eyes may feel puffy and bruised. Try not to touch the area or get it wet for 48 hours.

    Day 3 -6: Apply nothing. Allow your lash enhancement to dry heal. Should be no need to wash until healed. Then, resume regular routine.

    Limit your showers to 5 minutes so you do not create too much steam. Keep your face out of the water while you wash your body, then, at the end of your shower, wash your hair. Your face should only be getting wet at the very last end of the shower. Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area.

    Day 5-8: if your lash enhancement is kept clean and dry then only a thin film (similar to sunburn peel, not a scab) will appear. The film will peel off lightly by itself after 5 - 7 days and may not exfoliate evenly. During this time, your eyes may feel itchy as the flakes are coming away. Leave the film alone; picking will cause irritation, can lead to scars and will lift color from the treated area resulting in unevenness and blank spots. Let the area heal naturally for best results.

  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of pigment and patchy healed results.

    No facials, Botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks after treatment.

    Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week.

    Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 2 weeks after procedure.

    Wear sunglasses when outdoors on the sun for a week.

    Avoid heavy sweating and long hot showers for the first 10 days.

    Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 3 days

    Avoid swimming and chlorinated hot tubs for the first 10 days.

    Avoid mascara make up, cleansers, lotions etc. on or close to your lash enhancement for 2 weeks to avoid irritation & cross contamination.

    DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area.



Fuller, more defined lash line

Correction of asymmetry

Visual lifting effect

Creates more expressive look

Saves 15 min every day

Stable, soft color

Looks very naturally! No one could notice the permanent makeup on your eyes

Fades totally with time!

Price for procedure:

Initial session (3 hours): 480$

Touch Up (2,5 hours): 200$

Stages of the procedure:

Step 1: Choosing a pigment and Numbing (25 min)

Strong medical grade topical anesthetic cream (eye intended) is used before and during your procedure to keep you as pain free as possible.

Pigment used for Lash Line Enhancement could have different shade from black to brown. Brown pigments are used for the most natural results.

Step 2: Implementing pigment (5o - 90 min)

The process of creating fine dots with a specialized machine and covering them with pigment.

If there is any discomfort at this stage another quick layer of numbing cream can be added to the area.

Step 3: Aftercare treatment discussion (15 min)

How your lash line will look at different stages of healing:

  • Day 1

    This can vary from slightly puffy to swollen, heavy lids; Eyes are sensitive. Intensive color of lash line looks like a total black line.

  • Day 2

    Eyes will be swollen and perhaps a little ‘crusty’ upon waking up. The swelling will reduce after being in an upright position and from blinking and increased circulation to the area.

  • Day 3-4

    Eyes will be less swollen, but will feel tight. The top layer of skin will begin to flake off, although some people do not notice the exfoliation. DO NOT PICK– you will pull pigment out and end up with uneven color.

  • Day 7-10

    All flaking should be complete. You are safe to put your face back in the shower spray. During this time, the tattoo may appear to have vanished, this is a normal part of the healing process, and the pigment will re-emerge.

  • Day 15-20

    Day 10 – Pigment, if it faded, should have returned. What you see now is very close to the healed result.

  • Day 28-30

    Your lash line enhancement is completely healed. It will probably look great much earlier than this, but you must get the first touch-up nevertheless.

    The first touch-up is mandatory. Its purpose is to fix all the imperfections and sparse areas.

How healed results look:

The line is visible only when an eye is opened!


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